Austin Belcak, a Career coach has highlighted 10 Career Advice that will shape one’s future, he explains that one needs to find healthy ways to de-stress by meditating and cultivating joy and excitement in their lives.
- If the subjects you cover in school aren’t exciting to you, find ways to get involved in things that are. Don’t be limited, explore that’s how you figure out what you want to do.
10 Tips That Young People Can Use To Avoid Regrets in Their Career Moves
Photo: Cleveland Clinic (YouTube) - Get in the habit of having a side project, take something that genuinely interests you and find ways to apply it to the real world.
- Reach out to anyone and everyone. Make a list and email one person on it every single day. If they don’t reply or say no, well and good but if they do, the sky is the limit.
- Understand that failure is part of the process. No successful person nailed it on the first try. The earlier you start testing, failing and learning the faster you will accelerate your career.
Photo: andreyoskirko (Freepik) - Only take advice from people who already have what you want. Parents, friends and teachers have the best interest at heart, but they won’t understand your goals. If you want to win, find people who have already achieved the specific goals you have for yourself.
- The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Need a job, let people know, Deserve a raise, ask your manager, you need to be vocal and advocate for what you want.
- Experience is worth more than money early on, the more experience you get up front the higher your learning potential down the road.
How To Navigate Toxic Work Environment “Be Tactical and You Plan Your Exit”
Photo: Husna Miskandar (Unsplash) - Aim to be the most helpful person in the room. Most people want to be the smartest person in the room, the more you give to others the more social capital you have in these relationships.
- Work hard, but not at the expense of missing your life. You need to work hard to win but working hard doesn’t mean burning out or missing out with friends.
Photo: Thought Catalog (Unsplash) - You are the CEO of your career and your life. Work is a business transaction, don’t let those feelings cloud the fact that companies will always do what’s in their best interest.
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