At what point should a partner leave an abusive relationship? This is a question that social media users have been exploring for a couple of weeks.
The users who expressed their disappointment with some people in a marriage or relationship said some are assaulted by their lovers, but they still opt to stay with the assaulters.
Aku-N’esi-Obi –Ike from Igbo Estate in Nigeria narrated an unfortunate incident where a man and his girlfriend had some fracas at a nightclub, and the man began beating the girl up.

Photos: Siviwe Kapteyn and Samridhhi Sondhi (Unsplash)
He further explains that one of the security officers at the club came to the lady’s defence and saved her from being beaten. Her boyfriend then parked somewhere and waited for the security officer.
“The security guy got off work, immediately the man left the club, he drove behind the security officer and followed him to a Pharmacy where he made a stop to purchase something, and the guy ran him over with his car while he was walking into a pharmacy for having rescued the lady,’” he wrote.
He continued to explain that the officer was left in a pool of blood. The case was reported to the city’s police department, and the man was declared wanted. A few weeks later, he was arrested but surprisingly, he was accompanied by the said girl who the deceased was trying to rescue.

Photo: Claudia Wolff and Pavel Anoshin (Unsplash)
“The young man died, trying to save. He left wife, and 3 little kids behind. I have tears rolling down my cheeks for days now, the innocent guy that died saving an !d!0t,” he sorrowfully narrated.
Another user lamented, “I remember when I was in school, my neighbour used to beat his girlfriend, I was opportune to speak with her one day, I advised her to leave the relationship, but she ended up reporting me to the boyfriend, and the boyfriend came for me.”
Chicaqo: “Whenever I see a girlfriend & boyfriend fighting, mine is always to find a place to relax well with a better view dey watch them.”
Anthony Onyeukwu: “We once rescued a lady from her abusive boyfriend. The next morning, the lady called the police on us for assaulting her boyfriend, lol!”
Emmanuela: “I know that someone died trying to help, but what do you think someone capable of running over a man will do to that girl if she leaves?? You don’t want to hear what victims go through in the hands of violent partners.”