Many people have been looking for gateways to their financial freedom and stability. Why is it that most adults struggle financially? The answer to this question is simple and complicated at the same time. If you have an open mind, the answer given here will be straightforward and simple. On the contrary, if you have a closed mind, the answer given will sound complicated.
Let us first understand this verse from the Bible’s book of Hosea 6:4. It says, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge”. To appreciate this teaching, you must distinguish between correct and incorrect knowledge – both are still knowledge. The ‘lack of knowledge’ being mentioned here is the ‘correct knowledge’. Simply put, most adults struggle financially because they lack the ‘correct’ knowledge. Secondly, you must understand the deeper meaning of “you are created in the image and likeness of God”.
It is easy to fall into the trap of interpreting this as meaning in its physical form. But this is not the case since God can take any form He or She wishes, such as a sound, a burning bush, etc. What this statement means is that God created us to resemble Him. He made us use something that reaches Him. God is the Creator, and since we are created in Her likeness, we are also creators. So, who we really are are creators, and we have always been making without our knowledge. For us to be creators and reflect His images and likeness, it means God must have given us something or a tool to create. That tool is called the mind. What separates us from all other creatures, such as animals, is that we have a mind, and they do not.
Thirdly, God said that He gave us free will to do as we wished. This means we are free to create what we choose, and He or she will never interfere with that privilege He gave us. Yet God stands ready to assist us in achieving anything we want to create as long as we are prepared to listen. It is like a parent who allows a child to go play in an environment the parent considers safe. It is not a matter of interest what game the child decides to play. However, whatever game the child plays, if he or she gets hurt, the parent will comfort the child and allow them to return to that same environment, hoping the child will learn to be careful next time.
The next step is to understand the creation process and how we create. Simply put, creation for humans is a three-step process in the following order:
1) Thoughts.
2) Words.
3) Repetition of thoughts and words.
This is why it is said that, as a man thinks, so is he. You create your reality through your thoughts and words. Since God gave us a way or a tool to create whatever we wish, called the mind, then it means that whether we like it or not, we have always been creating since we are always in a state of thinking – consciously or subconsciously. To understand how this works, think of your mind as a magnet. When you place irons next to a magnet, it attracts the irons to it. Your mind, as a magnet, attracts the thoughts stored within it, specifically the thoughts behind the thoughts, which we can call the sponsoring or original thought about anything. Therefore, if you constantly think about ‘lack’ of money, what are you attracting or creating ‘LACK’? If you are constantly thinking about ‘negative’ things, what are you attracting (creating) …? ‘NEGATIVITY’ experiences and so on. This is why most prayers of ‘asking’ for something go unanswered. The thought behind the thought, the sponsoring though, is, ‘LACK’, it is not there and hence the reason why you are asking for it. The reality is, you will keep attracting ‘LACK’. This is the lack of knowledge that we miss. Proof of this is found within the same scriptures that tell us, “Even before you ask, it shall be provided”.
The mistake we humans make is to assume that we experience certain things first, and then our thoughts come out of that experience when they should be the other way round. Our sponsoring of original ideas repeated over is what creates our experiences, and then those experiences magnify our original thoughts, producing more of that experience, and so on. For example, people experience a lack of money and start thinking about the lack of money, assuming the experience is what gave birth to the original thought of ‘lack’. What we miss is that our society or environment downloaded the ‘lack of money’ as our original or sponsoring thoughts in our minds since childhood; hence, by default, our minds created that reality for us as adults.
With the above explanations, take a minute to reflect on adults’ thoughts or self-talk over and over about money, and you will see what they create for themselves or struggle financially. To change their reality, they need to change their thoughts; replace the sponsoring thoughts of ‘lack’ with new thoughts of ‘abundance’. At the basic level, there is the understanding most adults miss. To appreciate this further, a deeper understanding of how the subconscious and conscious mind work to create our reality is required. Remember, you are your own creator, and God will never interfere with your sponsoring thoughts or any other thoughts you choose to hold in your mind, giving birth to your reality. If you want to be wealthy, STOP allowing views of being ‘poor’ in your mind.
Opinion piece by Andrew Kibe Muita, a Financial Wellness and Business Tutor
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