How best should someone be prepared to quit a job? Many believe one must have a back-up plan but is it the same case to everybody?
For Hardlife Muhamba a career branding strategist, sometimes don’t depend on a backup plan if the environment is not conducive for working just leave and sort out other things later.
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“I quit my job of three years in South Africa without a backup plan. In the same year, I built my first and second profitable businesses and have been an entrepreneur ever since,” Muhamba said.
He added that he would have never discovered his purpose had he not taken leaps of faith. One of his businesses, he explains, is now servicing clients in 25 countries two years later.
“Don’t ever attach yourself to a person, place, company, organization or a project.
Attach yourself to a mission, a calling and a purpose only. That is how you keep your power and peace,” he advised.
Some of his followers supported his shared experience saying people should stop complaining how unhappy they were with the unhealthy working environment. “Stop listening to people and quit, It isn’t easy starting on your own but just be aggressive and all will be well,” Cynthia Ibrahim said.
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“It’s something I have been contemplating but I’m always gripped by the fear of what if things do not work out. What about the mouths I feed. I can feel that what I am doing is not what GOD called me to do and I am dying inside and above all I am not getting any younger,” Kaya Nakani wrote.
“I left my job without a proper plan in 2019, I started making and selling chilli sauce since 2020, still trying to make end meet but keeping the faith and belief that it will grow and I will create my financial independence, stress free life soon,” Minakshi Hira added.
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