Job Interviews: Do Not Be Afraid To Quote Your Salary Expectations – Silvia Njambi

Be Confident About Your Worth While Seeking for Jobs

Photos: Christina Wocintechchat (Unsplash) and Silvia Njambi (LinkedIn))

When a job opportunity knocks at the door, one can easily be cornered to settle for less, especially when the issue of salary expectations is asked in the interview.

Silvia Njambi, a career coach, has advised jobseekers to boldly quote their salary expectations adding that they should always be confident about their worthwhile seeking for jobs.

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A job interview session
Van Tay Media (Unsplash)

“I recently interviewed a candidate who answered, ‘any amount is okay with me.’ She was interviewing for an Accounts Assistant position that would pay a range of 40-60K. I was shocked as to why she was willing to settle for just any amount,” Njambi said.

She further explained that the lady revealed to her that she was scared of losing an opportunity to work, having spent the past one and a half years looking for a job. She thought that if she quoted her ideal salary, Njambi would not have recommended her to the client.

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Photos: Master1305 (Freepik)

She went on, “As frustrating and draining as job searching is, it does not mean that your skills and experience are not worthy. When you get to the salary question in your interview, speak about your worth because you deserve it. Do not be afraid to quote your salary expectations.”

Anne Bahati also encouraged candidates to know their value and worth, especially the minimum that they can take saying if they are confident about it and it makes sense, a good recruiter will definitely give it to them.

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Photo: Alexander Grey (Unsplash)

“The salary conversation is a thorny issue for most people but you can’t run away from it. Your best bet is betting on yourself and asking for what you’re worth. Doing research beforehand and knowing what is ideal for you gives you a confidence boost once you get to this part of the process,” Jerusha Otieno added.

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