In an unexpected turn of events, Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, answered to a young lady’s request for guidance on how to marry a wealthy man.
The lady, who wrote on a famous forum, stated her wish to marry a man earning $500k or more per year. She had also inquired as to where wealthy bachelors congregate and how to obtain a wife rather than simply a girlfriend.
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Jamie Dimon’s reaction was not what she expected, he confirmed in his response that he fits the lady’s condition for a husband with an annual income of more than $500k. He then went on to explain why marrying her would be a horrible business decision.
According to Jamie, the lady’s beauty is her only advantage, and it is deteriorating, her value would decline with time, although Jamie’s income would climb. In terms of economics, Jamie is an appreciation asset, whereas the lady is a depreciation asset.
“Someone earning more than $500k per year is not a fool and would merely date but not marry the lady. Stop looking for a rich guy to marry and instead focus on becoming a wealthy individual with a $500k annual salary. I believe that doing so will increase your chances of finding a wealthy partner in the future,” Jamie said.
The lady’s original post inquired as to where rich bachelors congregate, which age range to target, and why most rich wives are simply average-looking.
The CEO’s statement should serve as a wake-up call to the lady and anybody else who believes they can barter their attractiveness for money, he emphasizes the significance of going beyond physical appearance and concentrating on one’s own riches and assets.
Jamie Dimon’s reaction to the lady’s tweet has created quite a buzz on social media, his words may have been harsh, but they serve as a wake-up call for anyone considering marrying for money.
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“It is critical to focus on establishing one’s own money and assets rather than relying on the wealth of others. After all, anyone earning more than $500k per year is hardly a fool,” Jamie Dimon noted.
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