“Very Soon, Aid Will Be Made to Africa Upon Accepting Homosexuality” – PLO Lumumba

Kenya Scholar PLO Lumumba Says the Bible is against Homosexuality "Leviticus 18:22"

Photos: Sushil Nash (Unsplash) and PLO Lumumba (Facebook)

The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer/questioning (LGBTQ) rights have long been a controversial issue in Africa, with many countries criminalizing homosexuality and subjecting individuals to persecution and discrimination.

However, there has also been a growing movement for LGBTQ rights in Africa, with activists pushing for greater acceptance and recognition of LGBTQ people and their rights.

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PLO Lumumba
Photo: PLO Lumumba (Facebook)

Renowned Kenyan scholar and anti-corruption crusader, Prof. PLO Lumumba, has once again stirred controversy with his recent comments on homosexuality, speaking at the African perspective, Lumumba asserted that homosexuality is against African culture and the Bible.

In his speech, Prof Lumumba cited Leviticus 18:22 which says a man shall not lie with another man was evidence that the Bible is unequivocally opposed to homosexuality, arguing that, as a result, African countries should resist Western pressure to legalize homosexuality, and instead maintain their traditional values and cultural norms.

“African countries may soon face a difficult choice between accepting homosexuality and receiving foreign aid, in recent years, Western countries have increasingly tied aid to conditions related to human rights, including LGBTQ rights. As a result, African countries may soon be forced to choose between their cultural values and their economic survival,” Prof. Lumumba warned.

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Photo: PLO Lumumba (Facebook)

Prof Lumumba’s comments have sparked a heated debate in Kenya and beyond, with some applauding his defense of African culture and traditional values, while others have criticized his comments as discriminatory and harmful to the LGBTQ community.

“We must re-discover mentorship according to the Bible because that changes not. We must have the spirit of people Martin Luther King who was ready to die for the sake truth.

Despite this, Prof Lumumba remains firmly opposed to homosexuality, and has warned that African countries must be vigilant in defending their cultural values and traditions. He has also called on African leaders to resist Western pressure to conform to international norms and values, and instead prioritize the needs and interests of their own people.

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Photo: PLO Lumumba (Facebook)

Prof Lumumba’s speech at the African perspective has once again highlighted the complex and contentious issue of LGBTQ rights in Africa. Ultimately, the debate over LGBT rights in Africa is likely to continue for many years to come.


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