How People’s Pieces of Advice Shaped My Life – Natalee Drummond-Fairley

You Give Your Power by Allowing Emotions to Overwhelm You

Photos: (Freepik) and Natalee Drummond-Fairley, Esq. 9LinkedIn)

As many people are struggling with life as they grow older, here are some of the pieces of advice to shape someone’s life from Natalee Drummond-Fairley, Esq, a lawyer from the United States.
  1. You gotta do what you have to, until you can do what you can, until you can eventually do what you want to do.
  2. Take it to the Lord in prayer. There is no problem too big or too small for my God.

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    Photo: andreyoskirko (Freepik)

  3. Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail baby girl.
  4. Be a good steward of your money and possessions. God will not bless you with more until you show you can appreciate and care for what you already have.
  5. You can be the sweetest, prettiest and best tasting peach. There will always be someone who doesn’t like peaches.
  6. If you’re on time you’re late. Always be 15 minutes early. Have you ever seen anyone look good or competent being in a rush?

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    Photo: Abhishek Babaria (Unsplash)

  7. The only way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.
  8. Was it a bad day or a bad few minutes that you drugged out into a whole day? (My Aunt reminding me that I can choose to dwell in my sorrow or I can feel it, release it, let it go and pivot into refocusing on my goals).
  9. It’s not what people call you, It’s what you answer to. You don’t have to be offended by everything or anything. (My Aunt reminding me not to give away my power by being overwhelmed with emotions).

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    Photo: Gzorgz (Freepik)

  10. ALL things, not just the good things, work together for the good of those who love the Lord and call according to his purpose. (My Pastor reminds me to keep the faith because even when things don’t appear to be working out, they really are working out in my favor).

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