If You are Jobless, Participate in Marathon to Network with the Big ‘Boys and Girls’ – Makiadi Kipsoiwet

Easy Way to Network With an Aim of Getting a Job

Photo: Miguel A Amutio (Unsplash)

What are the appropriate ways one can use to network with an aim of securing a job opportunity? Some people believe that applying for jobs is not enough. The truth is one needs to do more for them to secure a job opportunity.

Makiadi Kipsoiwet, a sports fanatic, has come up with ways men can use to network and get job opportunities during charity or special causes marathons. He said one should just attend the marathon and try the steps he highlighted.

Work on your Network and Visibility to get Those Appointments, Jobs and Tenders

Photo: Miguel A Amutio (Unsplash)

First, when you tell them, “We can do this. Let’s not give up.” People in the middle-class love such statements. When you reach about 30 kilometres, you will find yourself surrounded by about four ladies. Make sure you are the only man around them.  Talk to them about any topic that will make you people active in a conversation.

Continue with the conversation by telling them about what you are doing like taking a French lesson part-time. Those are the things middle-class ladies want to hear, make sure they are still running and always hydrated. Your work should be always telling her, “My dear, you look so dehydrated. Let’s take some water.”

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Photo: Mārtiņš Zemlickis (Unsplash)

By around 40Km they will be talking about their jobs, children and some about their husbands though extremely rarely. Here you must be very keen, If she is a single mum, talk about how men aren’t ready for their responsibilities. Also explain to them you have someone but the relationship isn’t working out well, this will make them convinced you are not attached to anyone fully. At this point, if everything is going right.

Make sure that as you are approaching the finishing line, you have interacted with women working in different organisations and make sure you invest in your looks, look good and presentable then tell them your profession.

Soft Skills that Will Pay You Forever

Photo: Jorge Salazar (Unsplash)

Explain to them what happened, and why you are jobless then at the finishing line make sure you take their contacts and send your CV thereafter. The possibility of getting a job is very high because of the interactions and the good time you had together.”


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