6 Minimalist Habits That Will Save You From Burnout

Less is Better When Proper Targeting and Strategy is Used

Burnout is a condition of extreme and protracted stress-related emotional, bodily, and mental depletion. It happens when you experience emotional exhaustion, overwhelm, and an inability to handle ongoing expectations.

One starts to lose the enthusiasm and drive that initially motivated you to accept a particular role as the stress mounts. They become less productive and less energetic as a result of burnout, which also makes them feel more hopeless, cynical, and resentful. They can eventually feel as though you have nothing more to contribute.

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A lady sleeping at work
Photo: DCStudio (Freepik)

Burnout has a detrimental impact on all aspects of life, including your home, job, and social life. Burnout can also alter your body over time, making you more susceptible to ailments like the flu and the common cold. Due to all of its repercussions, it’s important to deal with burnout right away.

  1. Make ‘no’ your default – if it is not an obvious yes, it’s a no. An extra project, a difficult client, an acquaintance’s wedding that is extremely far to travel to just say no. Just because the opportunity arises does not mean you should say yes. Be absurdly protective of your time.
  2. Create and maintain boundaries. If your working hours are between 9am and 6pm, don’t answer the 8pm email. It can usually wait until morning. If you don’t respect your boundaries others won’t either.
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    Photos: Wayhomestudio (Freepik)

  3. When someone asks you to take on another task, respond with this, ‘I’m happy to…’ But if we’re adding this to my scope, what are we taking away’
  4. Differentiate between what’s urgent and what’s important. Like for example answering that ping? Might feel really urgent. But spending uninterrupted time on your presentation for tomorrow? That’s important.
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    Photo: Anthony Tran (Unsplash)

  5. Prioritize sleep. One less hour of sleep might seem like one more hour to get work done. But one less hour of sleep actually, is the same as two hours less of productivity tomorrow.
  6. Stop multitasking. Spend three hours in the morning on your first priority. Put priority.


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