Heavy Taxation is The Course of Under-Development in Africa – Daniel Mwambonu

Many African States Have Very Colonial Tax Systems that Burden the Masses

Photos: Macrovector (Freepik) and Hanna Morris (Unsplash)

Forgiving Africa its debts has always been a diplomacy tool to have a tighter grip on Africa’s natural resources from the West. Despite Africa producing a variety of raw materials for export, heavy taxation has dragged million Africans into poverty.

Daniel Mwambonu the CEO at Black Mental Health Matters and a Global Pan Africanist has explained that the main reason why Africa is still underdeveloped is due to heavy taxation.

A lady receiving injection and a lady in the firm
Photos: Lucio Patone and Annie Spratt ( Unsplash)

“Many African states have very colonial tax systems that burden the masses. One would think that the hut tax was abolished but it came back with a different name called land rates.
We cannot be free while fully embracing the ways of our oppressors. There has to be serious reforms on Africa’s taxing system to make it have a human face,” Mwambonu said.

Some African Tax rates are the highest in the world. The high tax rates make it impossible to build capital in the countries. Poor African countries have the lowest wage rates for workers; this leaves the affected countries to the charity of loans and donations.

Photo: Hermes Rivera (Unsplash)

AbdiQani Mohamed explained that, “The worst part is foreign investments in hotel branches, for example in Tanzania they were given tax free for 5 years to establish themselves. What happened was then, they changed the name after five years and left, and the evil circle went on and on. I hear you, higher tax, no jobs! We need to get down this deep!”

Nick Leszai slightly differed citing, “Slight correction: many African states have deeply corrupt ‘big man’ governments which have zero desire to change the status quo which has enriched them.”

Photo: Tucker Tangeman (Unsplash)

“There should be no tax cuts or charges. Africa owes the world nothing pay is back for reparations for killing and stealing our people. Build out countries, put in infrastructure, build sewage, avenues to get water for villages? Roads all the basics, and stop stealing from us,” Jasmine Kelson- Otoo concluded.



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