‘After School Satan Club’ for Children in the US Sparks Mixed Reactions and Outrage  

Photos: Note Thanun and Alessio Zaccaria (Unsplash)

A city in the United State of America has drowned world attention after introducing an “After School Satan Club” aiming to teach students about inquiry and rationalism.

The club which is set to begin at a California elementary school, triggering controversy among parents and guardians who say the club shouldn’t be allowed despite the organizers saying this is not to encourage Satan but support critical thinking among students.

They argue that there are already Christian based groups in schools. What is the difference with having such groups too adding that the club is only set at a request of parents, teachers and community members.

Children going to school and a satanic image
Photos: Samuele Giglio and Tylor Flowe (Unsplash)

The Satanic Temple has attempted to establish an After School Satan for kids at a local Primary school.

Many parents and guardians have described the move as wicked, adding that homeschooling or private schools is the only answer to avoid exposing children to such kinds of associations and interactions.

“This is a very wicked move. Christians intercessors let’s stand in the gap and bring sanity on our knees in the schools. We refuse our kids to be recruited in evil doctrines in Jesus mighty name,” Skitter Davies Wrote.

“The word of the Messiah is slowly fading fast from this temporary world, remember that these are the last Days Satanism is dominating the world, Christians lift up your eyes to heaven Jesus is coming,” Taylor Dripy advised.

Photos: Aaron Burden and Dalton Smith (Unsplash)

“I wonder hoe many parents will think about accepting this club because of freedom of speech or religion, as if there is no evil or badness in the world. Look around and witness the distortions that, within just a generation, has taken hold. our children are parentless. they don’t know if they are male or female, if they are to like their own gender or another, debating what pronoun they need to use. We are not free, but instead trapped in someone else’s idea of freedom,” Bucky Doo 

ljay0013 mentioned that, “Yep! It’s called freedom of worship! You allow one religion to set up space in your institution, and then it’s only fair to allow others too. If you don’t want to, then you also disallow Christians.”



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