Coaching is the second-fastest-growing service industry in the world and a sure way of improving productivity. Executive coaches are the backbone of any business. Without their expertise and guidance, growing in the professional sector is rocky.
Coaches ensure that professionals get the correct advice for personal growth, personal responsibility, building trust, promoting team effectiveness, and promoting effective communication.
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Sicily Kariuki, a former Kenyan cabinet secretary, resumed her executive leadership coaching career after public service appointments. She says executive leadership coaches help professionals exploit and actualise the power of their potential.
“I am coming into your space with your permission, believing that you have the potential that you cannot get off. I am joining as a partner to co-create and give you the confidence to maximise and tap into that potential. An executive leadership coach is somebody you trust who can walk with you through a journey of exploration to answer your requirements as a leader,” Sicily said.
There are coaches in various areas like sports, health, fitness, career, business, family, relationships, finance, spirituality, and financial freedom. Sicily explained that industry leaders know what to do in their space, but still need help from executive leadership coaches.
“We create a safe space for you to empty yourself so that the executive leadership coach reflects and gets back to you. There is so much talking about looking at a person and sensing the emotions that somebody may be going through,” she stated.
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The executive leadership coach said that productivity in the workplace goes up because of effective communication, effective teamwork, and leadership that is not commanding and controlling.
“Harvard Business Journal has documented productivity where a culture of coaching has been embedded to have gone up by 44%, and that is high, so finally you end up with a win-win situation,” quoted the former cabinet secretary Sicily Kariuki.
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Under the International Coaching Federation (ICF), codes of ethics drill down the behaviour of a certified or qualified coach practising within it. Ethical standards are documented in the ICF code of ethics as one of the practitioner’s requirements. Others include active listening, creating a safe space, and maintaining presence and agreement.
Sicily Kariuki said there are quacks in the coaching industry who have not mastered the skills and competence of coaching. She urged the public to vet the coaches they contract.
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“Be discerning to go to certified coaches so you get value. It is a business. If you come to me, I charge you, and you don’t get value to get to your destination. It is a waste of time. We have qualified people who can help you achieve a better outcome, productivity, work-life balance, and manage tough work situations,” Sicily affirmed.
The executive leadership coach opined that as coaches who are assigned under the International Coaching Federation (ICF) code of ethics, they would be an example that one can make money without necessarily getting that which is not yours since they are bound by the principle of ethics under the ICF, giving them another layer.
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