African Countries Have Been Baited With Loans to Make Sure They Do Not Succeed – Arikana Chihombori-Quao

What Africa Needs is Capacity Lying With Africans in Diaspora "Let's Make Africa Free From External Exploitation"

Photos: Arikana Chihombori-Quao and Macrovector (Freepik)

“There are some serious games that have been played in Africa for far too long. Once we understand that, we can start to strategise and be the difference and bring the change Africa needs.” These were the words of Arikana Chihombori-Quao former Permanent Representative of the African Union Mission to the USA.

A lady and Children in an unfinished building
Photos: Arikana Chihombori-Quao (Twitter)and Hanna Morris (Unsplash)

Arikana Chihombori-Quao  who is a medical doctor and also the CEO and founder of Bell Family Medical Centers in the United State lamented that the global banks make Africans take loans that they will never be able to pay, adding that when the US get money it is on a 1.5% interest rate but Africans get the same money the interest is 9-10%.

She also complained about the imbalance in policies that puts Africa at a disadvantage and the call for all African in diaspora to pull together to build the Africa we are all yearning for.

Photo: Hermes Rivera (Unsplash)

“France is taking €500billion out of Africa yearly. Africa is already poor; they create opportunities for French people through French healthcare services, and education hence leaving Africans poor,” She sadly explained.

She added that there must be unity amongst all Africans to help solve the problems at hand.

Photos: Lucio Patone and Annie Spratt ( Unsplash)

Oladele Dosunmu, CEO of Stepwise International Training Services (SITS) Limited and also passionate about seeing a better Africa, cited that unfortunately Africans cannot rely on their politicians to help out on this journey of saving this continent from the Europeans, because they are compromised.

“If it’s going to be, we Africans all around the world need to use our capacity and abilities, we have loads of that, to build. We need to disrupt the current process ladies and gentlemen,” he advised.

Photos: Macrovector (Freepik) and Oladele Dosunmuu (facebook)

He added that African Americans are not, for the most part, even aware of how African nations are being treated. Many times our brothers and sisters from the continent come to the US and gravitate towards others, as though they must stay back from Black Americans. Most of the freedoms in America were won on the backs of African Americans. “You need us, and we need you!”

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