Woman Heartbroken after Discovering Hubby’s Brother has been Raping her Daughters for Two Years

Photos: Screen Capture - SB4 Media (YouTube)

Many people migrate to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as domestic workers, hoping that the change will be luxurious to them and their families, but for some of them, the chances have been a nightmare and left permanent scars in their lives.

A social media user called Ms Racheal Bakunzi from Uganda has shared a case where a lady left her two daughters (13 and 15 years) with her husband’s relatives and went to seek greener pastures in UAE.

She explained that the husband’s brother constantly raped these girls daily. As a result, the youngest daughter’s uterus started rotting and had to be removed.

A woman crying
A woman left Uganda for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to search for greener pastures. Her daughters ended up being prey to her husband’s brother, who raped them daily.
Photo: Claudia Wolff (Unsplash)

“He did this for two years. These girls used to video call their mom every other day but couldn’t tell her what was going on back at home because he supervised these calls,” she said.

Ms Racheal Bakunzi added that one of the neighbours alerted the daughters’ mother about the repeated heinous act. She came back without telling anyone and found him pants down with the youngest girl. Her clothes were all off, and so were his.

“This is a teacher whose license got revoked, but somehow found a school in a village where no one questioned his expertise. He has raped a lot of young girls at these schools and walked away with it,” she angrily wrote.

She added that those defiling kids get away with crime in extremely remote areas and are not taken to book by families and communities.

“All they have to do is bribe the officers with a little sum as low as Ugx 50,000, but what about the victims? Ugandan police, do better,” Bakunzi said bitterly.

Article by Agnes Aboo (@wilfrida_agnes)

Email: agnesaboo@upeohubdigital.co.ke

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