Africans Should Reinvent their Economy and Stop Aligning to that of the West – Alexandra Tchomte

Photo: Alexandra Tchomte and Inventa

Alexandra Tchomte, the founder, Managing Director and partner of La Grande Royale in Nigeria, has advised African countries to stop trying to align their economies to the West and stick to their path. Tchomte stated that Africans must reinvent their economy because they face realities different from those of the Western business ecosystem and because the Western business ecosystem has not been created to favour Africa.

“The Western economic system makes Africa to be maintained exclusively as a provider of raw materials and not as an effective business partner. A rich Africa means the jeopardy of the European economy that will no longer be competitive,” she wrote.

Alexandra Tchomte
Tchomte believes the situation for Africa is not the same as that for many Western countries. This is why she considers Africa needs an independent approach to the economy.
Photo: Alexandra Tchomte and Airlines-Airports

Tchomte added that if Africa becomes economically independent like China, Europe will not have leverage on the global economy. She claimed that this is why multipolarity is a severe problem in Europe.

She claimed that Europe wants to sermon Africa to go green and not produce gas because it is terrible for the climate adding that “Africa is not dumb.”

“Africa should exploit enough gas for Africans and use it in its territories because gas is energy and energy means development. It does not stop Africa from diversifying its energy sources. Africans should stop trying to emulate or reproduce the Western standards of wellbeing and happiness,” Tchomte said.

Tchomte believes a prosperous Africa will create endless opportunities and power for the continent.
Photo: Alexandra Tchomte

She added that Africans must do this without neglecting fundamental principles that would make them differentiate the wrong from the right.

Tchomte concluded that Africa needs leaders who will stop serving the interests of the system and who must work for Africa’s interests first while making the world comfortable. Indeed we are all interrelated.

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