Thinking Like a Farmer is the Best Leadership and Entrepreneurial Lesson

“Don’t Blame the Crop for Not Growing Fast Enough”

Photos: Daniel Abrahams and Lamech Opiyo (LinkedIn)

Any venture just like an organization, grows and thrive through constructive and selfless stewardship, not the desire of leaders to lead.

While not the full picture of leadership, all leaders need a good dash of the servant leader in our baseline thinking we’re there to ensure the right things grow in the right place at the right time.

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seedlings and seeds
Photos: Jat306 (Freepik)

Daniel Abrahams a leadership coach highlights leadership lessons giving life approach while thinking like a farmer.

  1. Don’t shout at the crops
  2. Don’t blame the crops for not growing fast enough
  3. Don’t uproot crops before they have had a chance to grow
  4. Choose the best plants for the soil
  5. Irrigate and fertilize
  6. Remove weeds
  7. Remember you will have good seasons and bad seasons – you can’t control the weather only be prepared for it
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    Brenda Kerubo and Dais Dais (Facebook)

It is all about recognizing that growth and success take time, patience, and consistent effort, understanding that there will be challenges but that with the right approach, one can thrive.

He explains that just like a farmer carefully tends to their crops, one can cultivate their own success, choose the best opportunities that align with their goals and values and Invest their time, energy, and resources into fertilizing and nurturing, and help them grow.

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Photo: Jason Goodman (unsplash)

The approach elaborates that to deal with weeds that can choke out their crops, one will have to deal with challenges, not to give up at the first sign of difficulty but focus on removing those obstacles because one can’t control everything that happens in his/her life.

Sean Larkin explains that, “A farmer is a great leader as he shows patience and care. If we emulate the farmer, we can grow leadership in our organizations. Leadership does not shout at the crops, does not blame the crop for not growing fast enough, and does not uproot crops before they’ve had a chance to grow.”

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Photo: Carl Heyerdahl (Unsplash)

He further explained that, “If you aren’t pouring and feeding good things into it, it will stall out or fail. Toxic things or people in your life will choke out positive growth.”


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