Climate change has become a major challenge to many African families that rely on farming as their source of livelihood. Most of the farmers use old methods which lay emphasis on planting crops and harvesting.
Beuuy Sanga, an agricultural fanatic, said farmers should seek to promote value addition. He argued that gone are the days were farming was just about planting and harvesting crops.
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He explained that farmers can positively impact the environment and community through regenerative agriculture.
“In regenerative agriculture, we focus more on bringing back to the soil what we take from it, by applying practices like cover cropping, composting and rotating crops and many others,” she said.
Sanga added, “We can improve the health of our soil, enhance its ability to hold water and nutrients, and increase crop yield.”
According to ger, healthy soil can also create a more diverse and balanced ecosystem that supports wildlife and helps build a more resilient and sustainable food system.
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Sanga noted that creative and innovative farming practices make a positive impact on the world.
Tania Strauss, the Head of Strategy and Global Projects-Food Systems Initiative and Digital Editor at the World Economic Forum, explained that climate-smart and regenerative food systems can lead the race to achieve net zero, nature-positive results by 2030.
Strauss further explained that farmers are stewards of natural resources and they must come first to ensure equitable and resilient transitions.
“Food systems are linked to many global challenges, from hunger and deforestation to being the world’s second-largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions after the energy sector,” he stated.
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“What if we reverse that role instead and realize the true potential of transforming food systems to be net zero, nature positive, and that nourishes all?” Strauss questioned.
Further, Stauss noted that climate-smart and regenerative agriculture measures designed to put farmers at the centre can improve crop yields and turn farmland and pastures into carbon sinks, reverse forest loss, optimize the use of nitrogen-based fertilizers and rethink global and local supply chains to be more sustainable, reducing waste.
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