Steven Bartlett a businessman has come out to opine that, “just because you sometimes struggle with self-doubt, bad habits or you don’t have a perfect morning routine doesn’t make you any less successful – it makes you a human being.”
He added that successful people have mental health issues, bad habits, gaps in their knowledge, moments of self-doubt, procrastination issues, imperfect routines, insecurities, and imposter syndrome too, but they also know that all of these things are perfectly normal. “That is the difference.”
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To add to his statement, Stephen Kenny said that successful people also have money to help them wind down, relax, no stress, also clear there mind.
“How do we measure success? Enough money (how much is enough), prestige (in what way), friends and family support, being employed, owning a business or even corporation, owning stuff, having a roof over your head, having a mansion, freedom of choice or living by your own value?” Sandra Walter questioned.
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Peter Machen laments that, “First, bored of the whole “we’re all the same” description of mental health. Successful people, whoever they are, are not debilitated by their mental health. I agree that mental health is a misused term, so those of you that are not stuck in an existential crisis, can get up and go out and do your thing, crack on you have nothing to worry about.”
Some say life is a journey, and as we embark on this journey, we constantly search for happiness, success, and fulfillment.
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“We strive to be remembered for our achievements, the wealth we have accumulated, and the luxuries we have acquired. However, the reality is that these things are fleeting and will soon be forgotten. It’s not about what you have but about whom you are and your impact on others that truly matters,” Darren Timms.
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