A writer, Lewin, has come up with steps that one can take to become a millionaire:
- Have more than three streams of income. 99% of people chase money, and only 1% make it. You don’t have to quit your 9-5 job, use it to save and start a business offline. Having one stream of income equates to committing financial suicide.

- Spend at least 100 minutes of your day reading. 87% of financially free people are obsessed with learning. Financial education is self-taught. Use the knowledge you obtain and earn with it.
- Wake up at 4:00 or 5:00 am. People dread waking up early but this saves you three hours before your day starts, cultivating successful people habits, making your bed, taking a glass of water, hitting push-ups or a walk. Success is hidden in your daily routine.
- Sleep seven hours only. It’s hard at first but you’ll adjust with time. Make your bed a safe haven for your sleep. A good night’s sleep will help you focus ten times better the following day. This is a recipe for a goodnight’s sleep; be active during the day, invest in your bedding, eat 3 hours before bed, and wear comfortable pyjamas.
- Adopt writing habits. Download your thoughts on a paper and you’ll achieve any goal ten times faster. Write your goal down, take a course of action, create goals and hold yourself accountable.
- Take risks. Let the fear of the unknown set you free. You can control just too little, open new businesses, meet top executives, and take that scary deal hint: When taking risks, ensure there’s a net margin of $100k between assets and liabilities.
- Spend 30 minutes a day alone. To tap into your creative juices, embrace solitude half an hour a day will help you; reduce stress, boost your happiness, boost mental strength, be active in your lone time; take a pen and a notebook, set on a walk (quiet place), carry no phone or music and brainstorm ideas.