Clean Energy: Electric Mobility Booming in Kenyan Motorcycle and Tuk-Tuk Industry

Electric Motorcycles, The Perfect Remedy For High Cost of Fuel and Maintenance of Motorcycles

Electric tuk-tuk and motorcycle. Photos: Lemiso Sato and Arthur Gikonyo (Facebook)

The global push to address climate change and pollution has led to the exploration of environmentally friendly options all over the world. The growth of innovation and usage of electric automobiles is one of the greatest global efforts to curb climate change by reducing carbon emissions to the environment and the cost of transport.

The adoption and scaling up of investments around electric motorcycles as well as associated infrastructure such as charging points in a move aimed to achieve green transport.

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An ecobodaa electric motorcycle
An Ecobodaa electric motorcycle. Photo: Ecobodaa (Original)

Ecobodaa, a Kenyan electric two-wheeler start-up, opted to adopt electric motorcycles to save riders’ money and to implement environmentally friendly rides.

The company use to lease regular fuel motorcycles in the Mlolongo area. They decided to shift to electric motorcycles to give their clients more saving options through low cost of charging compared to fuel. They are also cheap to maintain since they don’t need more service needs for moving parts like fuel motorcycles.

“Ecobodaa electric motorcycles need checkups about once every three months. You don’t need service frequently,” Kimosop Chepkoit, the CEO and Co-founder of Ecobodaa said.

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An Ecobodaa electric motorcycle.
Photo: Ecobodaa (Original)

Kimosop added that most boda boda riders take short trips, hence with the Ecobodaa, they don’t need to worry about battery power range. They can also carry backup batteries for emergencies.

Roam Electric Limited, another electric automobile company in Kenya, is proud to be manufacturing its own electric motorcycles and selling them in the local markets and at the same time exporting others to several African countries.

The Roam electric motorcycle can be purchased for between $1,500 and $1700. It has no emissions or noise pollution. The motorcycles can go up to 100 kilometres with a fully charged battery.

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Roam Air is the latest electric motorcycle from Roam. At a cost of $ 1,500, you get a 140 km range for a dual battery, 220 kgs payload and a top speed of 90 km/hr. Photo: Roam (Original)

Riders can carry fully-charged spare batteries to increase the distance ranges that they can go using motorcycles. The motorcycle has its reverse gear as a button and no clutch, making it an easy bike to ride.

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Roam opibus electric motorcycle.
Photo: Success Afrika (Facebook)

Solution Africa Limited is a company based in Mombasa and specializes in manufacturing and assembling electric Tuk-tuks. The company founder, Molu and Khan, who came up with the E-Beba electric tuk-tuks, said their aim was to reduce carbon emissions by going green and reducing the effects of global warming.

With a strong and stable body and chase, the three-wheeler gives about 100km of range from a single charge. This roughly costs KES 200 for power tokens. It is cheaper compared to the tuk-tuks using diesel hence saving 80% at the end of the day.

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E-Beba electric tuk-tuks from Solution Africa Limited.
Photos: George Ochieng’ (Facebook)

The tuk-tuks come with universal three-pin sockets, making it easy to access charging points at home or any charging point with three-pin sockets.

The company have its own spare parts readily available in its showroom in Mombasa, Kenya. The E-Beba tuk-tuks are very silent and thus have no noise pollution.

As tuk-tuks are the major mode of transport within the coastal city of Mombasa, the locals have been facing challenges like air pollution, noise pollution and increased fuel prices. The company’s new invocation provides the best and cheaper alternative.

With the increased cost of fuel in many countries around the world, electric mobility may be the best solution for many people. With fewer repairs, services and checkups together with the lost cost of charging automobiles, you will definitely save more with an electric automobile. Populations in Africa have widely embraced hybrid vehicles (electric and fuel) and fully electric vehicles, a development that is likely to change the transport industry in Africa, especially in public transport.

Article by Lydia Achieng’


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