Section of Kenyans Oppose Introduction of GMOs, want Bill Gates to Stop Pushing any of It in their Soil

Bill Gates Trip to Kenya Triggers GMOs Conversation, Raises Speculation

Photos: KEMRI (Facebook) and photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto

A few months after President William Ruto lifted the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) ban in Kenya, the country hosted Microsoft founder Bill Gates at the State House in Nairobi. Part of the agenda of the meeting was pushing for the re-introduction of GMO products in Kenya.

President Ruto and Bill Gates
Photo: State House Kenya (Facebook)

Kenyans expressed their displeasure with the move saying with good internal mechanisms, Kenya can plant chemical-free products which can sustain its citizens without the introduction of GMOs which they say is more harmful to already medically stretched citizens.

Some supported the idea saying it was the only way of solving starvation in some parts of the country.

Lucy Mworia said, “The manner in which GMOs were introduced was utterly wrong. Kenyans are suspicious because they do not have the full information. We need to see our scientists giving information to the regular Kenyan.”

Laone wondered why the biggest proponent of GMOs was also making moves to be the biggest in Big Pharma.

Photo: KEMRI

“This whole thing is about control of the food systems and creating a market for GMO producers. We are the market for their genetically modified produced goods,” Nasike Akello Claire stated.

Microsoft Co-Founder Bill Gates recently visited Kenya, and Bill Gates endorsed Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) products.

“Every bread I’ve ever eaten is from genetically modified wheat. Every corn I’ve eaten is G.M.O. corn. These are proven products,” he said.

“I do not know the motive, but you can clearly see they have a GMO agenda. There is no proof GMOs solve food security issues, it is an infrastructural issue, the world already produces enough food. Even in South Africa they are only legal for animal food,” Felix Murithi explained.

Photo: Governor Mutula Kilonzo Junior (Facebook)

Some expressed their joy to be in Africa, where they can buy or grow food not tainted by artificial chemicals and live healthily without diabetes and all other diseases that plague even children in developed nations.

Another user added that during Covid 19 pandemic, very few Africans contracted or died of it. It is believed that it was due to not eating the chemical-laced foods one gets in developed nations.


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