Man Suggests African Origin in a Person Cannot be Changed

"We Treat You Differently If you Show Us You Are Different"

Photo: Ken Kahiri (Unsplash)

A man running The African Diary Social media accounts has said, the African origin of a person cannot change but they are treated differently when they show that they are different.

“‘I Am Not an African!’ However, on this continent you’ll blend in like a drop of water in the ocean,” he said.

African Leaders Should Prepare and Plan For a Better Future For Future Generations – Prof. PLO Lumumba

Map of Africa and children in unfinished building
Photos: Macrovector (Freepik) and Hanna Morris (Unsplash)

“The people from Nigeria and other tribes do not have a culture of their own and they’re just flat black. How many thousands of tribes, with different cultures, approximately 54 countries you are not the same Africa is a continent not a country. Race or ethnicity, lineage matters,” OrtezW wrote.

Some questioned why some people are bitter when they are called Africans? Adding that maybe is the fear of disconnection from chicken nuggets to “fufu”or ugali (African delicacies).

Heavy Taxation is The Course of Under-Development in Africa – Daniel Mwambonu

Photo: Peter Obi (Facebook)

“If someone doesn’t want to be African so be it, also if someone looks like they are from a place doesn’t mean they are from that place. If they feel Africa is below or above them, why are you pulling them down or up to that level? Let them be,” Tunga responded.

African Countries Have Been Baited With Loans to Make Sure They Do Not Succeed – Arikana Chihombori-Quao

Photo: John Mic (Unsplash)

A user by the name Smooth Cat said, “our people have been here 500 years. If we have to disavow a half millennium of history, experience and culture to be accepted by you I’ll pass. We are our own unique and separate ethnic group.”

“That’s rubbish. As soon as African Americans open their mouths they are labeled ‘Muzungu’ (Whites) in East Africa,” Garfield Anderez said.

Africa Has Politicians Who Don’t Care About Their People – Oladele Dosunmu

Photos: Freepik

Nat Turner pointed out that, “I’m pretty sure once they hear your British or American accent you get treated differently. Especially when you don’t get their cultural way of life or the language and you start ‘Acting American or British’. You may look African but the separation is cultural.”

The Current African Problem is African Betrayers – Alexandra Tchomte

Photo: 2Photo Pots (Unsplash)

Ados Warrior said phenotype is not the same as an ethnic identity. “Africans” know this better than anyone.


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