Video of Mother Monkey Sucking Her own Milk and Denying Baby Her Food Stirs Discussion

Just Why They are called Animals - Controversial Video of Female Monkey Sucking her Own Milk

Photo: Hui Wen (Facebook)

A video of a mother monkey sucking her milk and denying the baby her food has stirred social media discussion. Some support the move, saying it unblocks clogged ducts, while others claim most monkey mothers are cruel.

Noel Zien El-Din said he noticed that most monkeys’ moms are so cruel on several occasions. Several social media users supported his point justifying why they support it with the comments below.

Oktay Dere, “that’s very true. I’ve seen it many times, life as a monkey baby is very hard! Other male monkeys don’t give in any jokes about the babies.”

Photo: Ayush Shakya (Unsplash)

Jacob Rogers, “most of the time, it’s when humans are intervening and giving food, or sometimes the baby will get kidnapped and it’s not the actual biological mother that has the baby.”

Irene West, “it’s true. They are cruel. I saw a video of a monkey mother who climbed 50 feet up and threw her newborn off the tree and landed on the ground and she never went to help it so the humans stepped in and took the baby away.”

Mg Valdernor, “they are actually cruel. I’ve seen a video where the mom is dragging the baby till it dies.”

However, several social media users came to the mother monkey’s defence giving possible reasons why the animal behaved that way.

Photos: Photos: Abdul Hakim, Tejash Verma and Jamie Haughton (Unsplash)

Katie Luna, “I don’t think the mom is trying to be cruel. I honestly think the baby was probably biting while nursing because she seems to jump/flinch a couple times, before taking her boob away. I have breastfed five kids and that biting hurts. Sometimes they don’t even have teeth but they can clamp down hard and it hurts. I think she was sucking on her boob to see if it was empty or figure out why the baby was getting rough.”

Tabitha Wanja, “they have to do that if their ducts are clogged. Breastfeeding mommies should know this. Clogged ducts are extremely painful. She might be clearing a blocked milk duct. The suctioning that the baby is doing is not strong enough to clear it.”

May Hiraeth, “It is not about being cruel, it is a way of solving a problem at hand. I had to do this a few times while I had a massive infection.”




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